Złota Milonga

  • Data: 21 październik 2017
  • Godzina: 22:00
  • Typ wydarzenia: Milonga
  • Lokalizacja: Warsaw, Poland
  • Miejsce: Złota Milonga Club

The BANDONEGRO TANGO ORQUESTRA’s performance will start approximately at 10.30 PM.
During the Saturday’s milonga (approximately at 11.30 PM) we will have the opportunity to admire a dance show by MAGDALENA BOCHIŃSKA AND JAKUB MILONGA
We invite you to visit our festival, to dance, to watch performances and to listen to the gorgeous tango music.


Please join us!

Saturday’s Milonga with live music! Entry fee: PLN 20 (pre-sale), PLN 25 (before the milonga)

The programme of the evening:
19:00 – Tango basic steps lesson
20:00 – Milonga for beginners
21:15 – The start of the Milongi Elegante
22:30 – Bandonegro Tango Orquestra live – part I (60 minutes)
23:30 – Tango show by Magdalena Bochińskai and Jakub Milonga
24:00 – Bandonegro Tango Orquestra live – part II (60 minutes)
02:00 – The end of the milonga event
